Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thanks to the Hawthornes

By the end of August we’ll be beginning our transition from Al and Katherine Hawthorne’s guest house to our own apartment. Though we are excited to get into our own place, we are deeply grateful for the blessing that the Hawthornes have been in our lives.

When I received the call that Thursday morning back in April that Pastor Gary Golike wanted me to be the associate pastor of this church, I was so excited. I couldn’t stop laughing afterwards. Eventually, when the euphoria wore off, I got to thinking about where in the world we would live down there. I hardly had any money, I had no idea where anything was—and I was moving there in a month. All I knew was that I had a job waiting for me and a fiancée that expected a roof over her head. As we traveled down late April to look for an apartment or guest house or something , I was a bit nervous. I didn’t know how or where or what to look for.

When the Hawthornes offered to let us stay in their guest house rent free, I was so relieved. I felt like a huge burden was lifted off my back. Ashley and I had been praying for months that God would provide—and, just like He had done in the past, He provided. We thank God for the Hawthorne’s ministry—they have definitely been instruments in God’s hands.

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